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The site is edited by J. Torrance, a pseudonym corresponding to the founding team of Shining Tapes composed of Vincent A. and Fréd. Bonnier.
Headquarters: 50 Chemin de Ferrier, 38650, Monestier de Clermont. Email: The website is hosted by WIX. The publication manager is J. Torrance.
All editorial content and illustrations on this site are protected by French law and international treaties (Berne Convention, Intellectual Property Code Book 1). They cannot be copied without the express permission of the authors. The authors can be contacted via Reuse of editorial content or the site for any purpose is strictly prohibited.

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The information we collect comes from voluntary subscription to our mailing list. The information that you communicate to us is never distributed to third parties without your consent. Thus the "J. Torrance" entity is bound by strict confidentiality agreements concerning the use of this data and a violation of this agreement would result in the dissolution of this distribution medium (Shining Tapes website).

In a logic of respect for the privacy of its users, Shining Tapes undertakes that the collection and processing of personal information, carried out within this site, be carried out in accordance with the French Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, known as the “Informatique et Libertés” Law.

In accordance with article 34 of the Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, you have the right to access, rectify, modify and delete data concerning you. You can exercise this right by contacting J. Torrance directly at the following address:

For any questions regarding these Terms of Service, you can also contact us at

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